Thursday, January 8, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmmm.

I know that all teams have idiotic, inarticulate fans. Fans who talk/type just to hear/see themselves talk/type. And I know that the folks who post on the MLB boards are only slightly above the people who bother with the Fox Sports boards. If it seems that the Yankees have more than their fair share of moronic fans, then well that might just be bias on my part. Generally, it's not an idiocy worth noting. Generally. But this (from the comment section of the John Smoltz article):

"Ha! Yanks shop at Macy's. Sawx shop at Wal-Mart."

is beyond perplexing.

Let's just start by ignoring the fact that Smoltz has never been a "Wal-Mart" pitcher. [Aside: I would say he's at least a Filene's pitcher.] Macy's is the highest-end store this person could think of? Really? Macy's? Really? If you stick to just department stores both Lord and Taylor and Nordstrom offer a better product than Macy's. Hell, within Federated you've got the chichi Bloomingdale's. It boggles. It really does.

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