Monday, December 31, 2012

We're Here Because We're Here Because We're Here Because We're Here.

Another disappointing year over. It was supposed to have been a spectacular year in Boston and while it did turn into a spectacle, it probably wasn't the sort they imagined. But onward and upward and all that. Here's to a better 2013.

Monday, December 3, 2012


It's an ugly city. Dirty. Graffiti all over the place. Trash in the streets. Plaster crumbling off buildings. It feels very much like New York but way uptown and into the Bronx. But it's not without it's charms. There's a sense of practicality to the place; a usefulness. And if you look closely, there are touches of whimsy. It's a good character place. And, relative to the rest of Italy, it can be a bargain.

But for Pete's sake, dear heart, your jersey is not a v-neck cardigan. It has buttons all the way up to the tippity-top. Use them.