Wednesday, January 7, 2009

But Wait! There's More.

John Smoltz is apparently willing to become this season's Bartolo Colon. After spending twenty years in Atlanta, Smoltz will likely sign with the Sox as early as tomorrow afternoon. It will be strange to see him in anything other than a Braves uniform. The Sox do meet the Braves in Interleague this season--three games at Fenway (June 19-21) and three games at Atlanta (June 26-28)--which would make it even stranger.

After pitching 200+ innings in the previous three seasons, Smoltz had surgery on his right labrum on June 10 of last year. They don't expect him to be ready to play again until next June. He wants to be a starter but he did close for the Braves from 2001-2004. If he can return to form, wow.

And you thought Theo was sulking in his bedroom like a sullen teenager after missing out on Teixeira, Nirvana on the stereo, practicing CMaj-amin-FMaj-GMaj(7)-CMaj and GMaj-emin-CMaj-DMaj(7)-GMaj for Saturday. Didn't you?

Also, Smoltz's son is the spitting image of him--in profile anyway. There's little call for a Maury Show appearance with that nose leading the way.

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