Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Mr. Youkilis!

I had originally titled this 'Happy Birthday Kevin!' but that just looked wrong. So I changed it to 'Happy Birthday Youk!' but that didn't seem any better. So with pretty much no other options, I've gone formal.

In case you didn't realize: It's Kevin Youkilis' twenty-ninth birthday today.

He seems like a good enough guy; down-to-earth, mostly pleasant. He's got a normal person car. He likes kids. He does have bad taste in music, though. And has shown poor judgment when it comes to products he chooses to endorse.

But he's a good ball player; even if he does have that funky batting stance. He's serious and intense; goes to work and does his job as best he can and is disappointed when he doesn't live up to his expectations of himself. He's supposedly got miraculously awesome eyesight that enables him to tell balls from strikes better than anyone. He played defense really well last year. And he seems well-liked by his team mates.

Another year of more of the same from Kevin Youkilis would be something to be celebrated.

Many happy and healthy returns to you! May twenty-nine be as good as, or better than, twenty-eight was.

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