Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dueling Leprechauns

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if these two end up on the bench together they'll spend they're time trying to out-leprechaun each other. In order to avoid that catastrophe (and in honor of St. Patrick's Day), I say we have an old fashioned Irish brawl right now-Limerick style (I imagine that people from Limerick speak in limerick all the time.) Ideally, I would have embedded the clips, as the website seems to indicate you can do, but that since that didn't work, I shall link it up. We certainly wouldn't want my poetic genius to be lost.

So, without further ado. In this corner we've got the ginger from California Bobby Kielty! And in the other corner, though he looks less the part, he's most certainly a man from Erin. How could he not be with a name like, Seaaaan Casey! Fight!

Notes: I realize that he's not a hobbyist but there really aren't too many words that rhyme with Bobby, so just go with me on that. Also, Sean may need some translating. He stands on first base and we'll not well at the end. The apostrophe was in there but he just didn't seem to be able to pronounce it.

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