Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What? What's That? What's That You Say? You Say There Is Some News Today? (Apologies to Shel Silverstein)

I've twice attempted to write something about Matsuzaka's hair after Amelie Benjamin breathlessly informed us that he was wearing a mullet and twice I've deleted my efforts. I've been vacillating between defending him against the charge-I'm fairly certain that it's just the mohawk he was sporting in December (see photo) without the effort or gel required to maintain the style-and whether I was being too mean to her. Also, there was concern that I was spending too much time on baseball players hair anyway.

I suppose I could have written about Youkilis agreeing to a $3 million contract but there really isn't much to say about it. He's a good ball player, just really boring.

I could have written about Beckett appearing to be a little bit fat in the pictures from the Projo yesterday. But that was a can of worms that I wasn't ready to open-not because I feel guilty about making fun of him. A single look at that smug little smirk of his erased any romanticizing I had done of the man during the offseason-it just didn't feel worth mentioning (especially after the way I ripped into Ms. Benjamin regarding the fluff-tastic nature of her writing.)

I had this really brilliant post written in my head about how Pedroia and Manny are cut from the same cloth. The difference between them is that because Pedroia grew up in California he has a little better grasp of the English language and can form slightly more coherent sentences. I never got around to transcribing it, though, and then it was a few days later and less relevant.

I could have written about Wally the Green Monster welcoming a naval ship to shore (and I was tempted because I really like the picture that accompanies the story-here's this character who could have walked off the set of H.R. Pufnstuf and is now manning a battle station. It's very surreal.) but that's really stretching for material.

So what exactly is worth writing about? Is it Roger on Capital Hill desperate for someone to believe him? Not a chance. I've given up caring whether he's a lying bastard or not (at least that's what I'm telling myself.) Is it that despite (or perhaps to spite) this heinous, hideous weather NESN has seen fit to provide us with something damn close to actual baseball coverage tonight? Bingo.

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