Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Svelte Papi

First, let me say I like Dan Roche. He can get a little giddy for a professional but without him we wouldn't have the spectacular, wonderfulness that is Cookie Off so we can forgive a lot. But what is up with the Boston media and their obsession with baseball player's hair? Seemingly the second question out of Dan's mouth to Ortiz was "What about your hair?" Ortiz' response: "What? You don't like it?"

Ortiz showed up at the park today and hit the batting cages (not literally, of course.) He was looking good. He's grown his hair out and seems to have lost some weight.

Also, it's not Ellsbury and it's not The Righteous Brothers but on the Road to Spring Training coverage over at Comcast Sportsnet they had a video of Papelbon on a float in a parade in Fort Meyers singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" very badly, indeed. And I laughed. They said they were going to put it up on their website but as of right now they have not.

Mike Lowell also made an appearance at the park today.

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