Sunday, January 10, 2010


(These post titles are much easier than trying to come up with something creative.)

Sean McAdam interviewed Theo Epstein today. There's really nothing to substantial to it. Beltre makes the team better defensively. He believes that Bill Hall might be fixable. The offense should be fine but if it isn't he can add to it later. He lulls himself to sleep not by counting sheep but by chanting players' OBPs. He doesn't want to go to arbitration hearings but maybe he will. Or maybe he'll swing a multi-year contract with a player. (I can't imagine who that might be. Papelbon seems like he would be determined to hit free agency. I can't see them signing Hermida, Manny Del, or Ramon Ramirez long term at this point. I guess I could see him working something out with Okajima maybe.) And he's pretty much done.

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