Friday, January 15, 2010

Heart of Gold.

It's hard to watch the news and not be affected by the photos and stories coming out of Haiti. At the same time, it's hard to reconcile how much help that country needs with the amount of help an average individual can provide. But weren't all average individuals.

One such non-average individual who's lending a helping hand/name is David Ortiz. David is organizing a truck load of canned food, water, other provisions, and medicines to help out the people of Haiti. Says David (my translation):

"This earthquake occurred in our brother country and we're obligated to arrange a truck load of food and medicines for the victims of this devastating phenomenon. It's my way of doing my part to help alleviate the situation for our Haitian brothers. I want this help to go directly to those who need it and so I'm personally going to Haiti to bring it to them."

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