Sunday, March 1, 2009

Where's Mel Gibson Now?

Watching Josh Bard's body language (because it's a Heidi interview I had to work my courage up to turning the sound on), he seems like he's a good listener--he's very still. He also seems immune to Heidi's giggly, flirtyness. I think I might like him.

Josh Bard pluses:

He likes good food. He likes to dance. He's self-deprecating. And he likes his family; in four minutes he mentions his wife twice, his brother, and his parents.

Josh Bard minuses:

His taste in movies. He lists Braveheart and Bull Durham as being among his favorites. I suppose they're not necessarily negatives--I don't think I've ever seen Braveheart in it's entirety because it was boring and Bull Durham had it's moments but was too long. He's also kind of literal (but I could chose to believe that he's being purposefully obtuse, which would be a positive.)

Josh Bard trivia:

He hit a walk-off homerun in his very first game.

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