Friday, December 11, 2009

I Was Not Sleeping.

Perhaps because I split a toenail and haven't run in more than a week and the ennui and general sluggishness that that entails overran my normal life, I haven't felt like writing anything. It's not that there wasn't anything to write about: the doubling of the Ramon Ramirezes (Ramirezi?) amused me greatly and I could have decorated this place with black bunting for Curtis Granderson and Mike Lowell. I, however, just didn't feel like it. But the say when you don't feel like writing, that's the time you should be writing (or something like that), so...

Jerry Remy put a plea up on his Facebook page that made me snicker (and it seemed like a good way to break the silence) copied verbatim:

Ok - it's panic time again, and it has nothing to do with the Red Sox. There's 2 weeks until Christmas and as usual, I have absolutely no idea what to get my wife. Last year I gave her a Wally and a scorecard. Even though I took the time to autograph them, she didn't appreciate it! So this year I am reaching out - is there anyone out there that has any ideas?

By the way ... did I mention that if possible, I would like to order it without leaving the house and have it arrive already wrapped?


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