Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Black Jack.

They're like rambunctious, undisciplined children. You whine and moan and complain about the offense enough and they figure out how to pull themselves together (Although it may just be a minor lull in their suckitude because let's face the As are a terrible, terrible team.) but the moment you've turned your attention exclusively to the hitters (even if it's just long enough to give them a stern mom look) the pitchers decide that it would be a fabulous idea to go sit in the middle of a busy street.

Tonight the Oakland As had twenty-one hits. The God-awful, pathetic Oakland As successfully put the ball in play twenty-one times. Twenty-one times. They only have two regular players with an OPS+ of over 100 (and they're 105 and 101). Clay gave up nine of those hits but he really did keep it together. The bullpen? Not so much.

And much of the ire should be directed at the supposed leader of this merry band of misfits, Jonathan Papelbon. Papelbon seems to have been living dangerously all season long and tonight it caught up with him. The street he's sitting on is on the downside of a hill and he can't see the Mack truck barreling toward him from the other side.

If there's anything to take from this game (and really there probably isn't), it would be that the last time the Sox lost to the As in heart-breaking, extra innings fashion they responded by going on an eleven game winning streak. If they could do that again, it would take them through the Yankee series which would be awes. It would really be beyond awes.

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