Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Wake!

Today is the forty-second August 2nd that Tim Wakefield has been in the world. Wake is a trooper. An un-sung hero, if you like. He goes out there every fifth day, throws his funky little pitch, usually does his job pretty well, and often to no avail. But you won't hear Wake complain.

He's a good pitcher and, more importantly, a good man. He sponsors the school for disabled kids in Florida. He hangs out at Dana Farber. He's humble, good-natured and solemn. There doesn't seem to be much of anything to dislike about Tim Wakefield.

He's hung around for fourteen seasons (since he was twenty-eight years old.) He's accumulated one hundred and sixty wins during his tenure in Boston. He's third on the list of most winning-est pitcher in Red Sox history behind Cy Young and Clemens (both with 192). His goal is two hundred wins or, at the very least, 193. If only the offense would plate some runs for him, he might be a lot closer to that goal.

But, happy birthday Wake! I'm sorry they couldn't get you another win last night. I hope that you continue to do your thing and achieve your goal--because you far out-class Roger. Many happy and healthy returns to you!

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