Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cuteness Overload.

Much to my mother's chargrin, I'm not really one to coo over babies. In all honesty, I think infants look a lot like potatoes. Cute little kids are a different story, though. They're more interesting, they've got personality, and they're less root vegetable-esque. In the August issue of Boston Magazine, they have a photo spread of some of the kids of Sox players (current, former, and coach) modeling very expensive clothing.

Just a couple of things occurred to me:

1. Alex Cora has some good-looking kids. His wife must be absolutely breathtaking. If his step-son isn't breaking hearts at his high school, then I don't know what's wrong with those girls.

2. Wake's son is a doll. Mike Timlin's kids are spitting images of him. David's daughter is going to be a stunner.

3. Clearly, they've all been around baseball their entire lives. Youk's fiance's son is the only one who looks like he doesn't know what he's doing.

4. But none of them can hold a candle to possibly the cutest peanut to ever exist on the face of the earth: D'Angelo Ortiz. The kid just oozes cute. For no good reason, I've already ascribed his father's personality to him which makes him even more adorable.

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