Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Admiral Returns

According to the Globe, the Sox have reached terms with Mike Timlin. They're supposedly going to pay him three million for the year. It seems like a lot for a guy who only played in fifty games last year but I don't really mind. He was quite good in those fifty games.

And, without any proof, I have to believe that he was the one who decided the bullpen was a pirate ship. And if all that silliness was on him, then I'm happy to have him back.

Also, on an unrelated note, I have figured out from whence my Papelove has sprung. This may come of as regional-ist (if that were a real thing) but it's the goofy-ass way he speaks. Even reading the quotes from his WEEI interview that were in the Globe made me smile. I don't know if it's truly possible to speak in run-on sentences but he seems to have mastered it. Also, he's completely guileless. He's gonna be a ca-drillionaire, baby.

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