Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Schilling, Ortiz, and Youk has got a golden glove (sung to the tune of "I've Got a Golden Ticket")

So much to talk about:


So he's back. I didn't think he would be, so good on him. Disregarding his big mouth, he seems like a good-enough guy; the type of guy you would like to have in a clubhouse. Plus, he's still a good pitcher. The deal they hammered out seems like it would be beneficial all around. He's guaranteed probably about what he's worth and if he can find away to be impressive he can get what he wanted. And maybe if he gets himself into decent shape, his fast ball might pick up a little bit of it's lost speed.


He went in for arthroscopic knee surgery today. Which, as I understand it, involves trimming excess cartilage from the knee. From my limited research (i.e. I did a Google search and read one of the first articles that came up), it seems that the surgery isn't always productive and often results in the patient needing to have a full knee replacement in a few years. Let's hope that this is not the case here. Hopefully, it will make it less painful to watch him run (I was, seriously, having sympathy pains in my wonky knee watching him in the last couple of games). With reconstructed knees, it's best to put as little weight as possible on them; so perhaps there's a way to tack Schilling's weight-loss clause onto Ortiz's contract.


Hooray for Youk and his Gold Glove! One thousand and eighty chances to make an error and he got away clean from all of them. It is an impressive feat. As much as I admire Youkilis, though (and I do), I love Coco Crisp. And Crisp was robbed of his award. It is a joy to watch Crisp play and there is no way that Grady Sizemore was a better defensive player than he was. The fact that he didn't have much offensive output shouldn't have had any bearing on an award for defense. And just because he is fun to watch:

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