Thursday, November 5, 2009

Things I Have Learned in the Past Five Years.

Aw, Philly? You suck. I am glad that you screwed it up on a night when I didn't have to go to work the next morning though.

Here's the thing: I don't actually care that the Yankees won. I would have adored it had they lost, there's no denying that, but I'm not perturbed about their win today. I'm not going to pull my hair out. I'm not even going to be mildly depressed. The whole thing is just kind of, "Meh. Whatever."

It seems that post-2004, it's all different. Yankee fans have lost their power over me. Five years ago the sight of a smug, condescending individual in a Yankee cap would have sent me to ground. But now? Now they're gnats. Now they don't matter. Theo and Co. have imbued me with a sense of security and it's wonderfully freeing.

The Red Sox are no longer a team to be ashamed of and as much as Yankee fans might prance around preening and gloating, they will not convince me that I should be. And as much as they might not want to believe it, I'm not jealous of their team. I'm happy with mine, thanks. The Yankees are no longer the be-all-and-end-all the baseball world.

So let the baby have it's bottle. There's always next year.

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