Friday, June 19, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away. Little Mikey Wants to Play.

Mike Lowell is pissed about playing in the rain.

"[Red Sox management] got the gate. Whenever we make it up, it's going to be a sellout. Before the game I was hearing about makeup dates, so obviously they saw the forecast wasn't good and something was coming through. There was nothing we were told or saw on the radar that suggested that we were going to be playing in any type of good conditions.

I think a lot of guys are [livid] right now. …I'm frustrated and I think a lot of guys are frustrated."

When I was in high school and someone complained about the weather my track coach was overly fond of asking: What is this baseball? It rains, we get wet. So...Yeah, it was pouring last night. And yeah, it probably wasn't safe to be playing on the wet grass. I'm guessing that it wasn't a pleasant experience for anyone involved. But when, Mickey my love, were you going to make up the game if they didn't try to play last night? It's one of the perils of interleague (along with accidentally breaking the feet of AL pitchers) but looking at the calendar, July 2 is the only day that would have been almost easy peasy for everyone. Besides which, if you really wanted to finish the game, then you should have done something better than line out after Ortiz reached on the error.

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