Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mike Lowell's Competition.

Jason Bay has nothing on Mike Lowell in the looks department. He doesn't have a smile that makes you melt. He's a little bit shorter. He's fair. His cheekbones are a little too prominent and his brow slopes a little too steeply. Nonetheless, he's giving Mike Lowell a run for his money in attractive-ness.

Part of the appeal of Mike Lowell is his supremely dry wit and the brain in his head. Mike Lowell can do math and, for a ballplayer, that's been enough for me. Academically, Jason Bay has been proving himself. He's a man that can reach into his brain when searching for a word and easily grasp 'unbeknownst' or, more impressively, 'onus'. And, as it turns out, has a kick-ass sense of humor.

The most recent issue of Sports Illustrated has an article about Jason Bay. The article contains the following tidbit:

"Afterward, when Bay was asked at the press conference about the two strikeouts that preceded the home run, he said, "That's a big part of my game."

Seriously: Why wasn't this on t.v.? And if it was on t.v., then how the hell did I miss it? Because that is fabulous. Absolutely friggin' fabulous.

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