Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Jason Bay!

I went to Montreal for New Year's Eve when I was a freshman in college. It was only for a few days but as a portal to the world of legalized drinking and gambling, it was more than enough time. The closest I've come to Canada since then was driving about an hour into Vermont on 91-North.

But I love Thanksgiving. Any holiday that prominently features the wonder of the miraculous cranberry is alright by me. In fact, I come from a long line of Thanksgiving-lovers. Consequently, we've been celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving, in addition to real Thanksgiving, in my family for years. It might not be a proper Canadian Thanksgiving (we don't know any Canadians so we don't know how they do up the holiday) but that certainly hasn't stopped us.

With the safe arrival of the wee one, Jason Bay certainly has a lot to be thankful for this year. So, from a person who has no problem pretending to be Canadian one day a year to a real Canadian: an enthusiastic wave in the general direction of Fenway and a hearty "Happy Thanksgiving!"

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