Thursday, July 3, 2008

Breaking News!

The returns from the battleground state of Connecticut are in and in a stunning turn of events, Red Sox fans outnumber Yankee fans in the state for the first time in, probably, forever.

The poll (conducted by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT) found that fifty-eight percent of the people in the state claimed to be baseball fans and of those fans forty-one percent claimed the Red Sox as their team while only forty percent went for the Yankees (the rest were mainly Mets fans.)

So, are these new fans due to the afterglow of a World Series championship? I don't think so. My guess is that the increase in fans is directly due to the tireless campaigning and the spreading of the good word by our fearless leader, Jerry Remy. Congratulations President Remy on a job well done!

That said: I'm off to Block Island for the weekend. No tv. No internet. If I survive, I'll be back late Sunday night.

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