Thursday, September 15, 2011


Well, ducklings. I wonder: do you ever get tired of getting your collective asses handed to you by this team?

Can't hit, can't field, and can't pitch. It's certainly not much of a recipe for success. I haven't given up on the thought of the post-season simply because Tampa still has seven games against New York (and as much as it pains me to say it, the Yankees are a far far better team than you at the moment) while you are playing the Orioles (although, I'm not entirely sure that a little league team wouldn't give you a run for your money the way you're playing right now) but it's really difficult to believe that this is a team that could possibly do anything.

Let's hope that Theo's lame duck of a team has more of a shot at revival than Theo's duck in Pippin.

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