Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Shrinking Bard Adown the Alley Skulks.

I don't care about losing to the Toronto Blue Jays. When I think about the Blue Jays (and I admit to their existence completely slipping my mind on more than one occasion) it's usually with a sense of apathy. They're in the same class as the Royals or the Mariners or the Athletics: they're certainly there but whatever or the real word equivalent (because I can't think of it) of meh. Their fans are Canadians (useless, pointless people) so that's certainly a strike against them but they've been terrible since before Tim Wakefield joined this team. So who cares?

But the loss hurts though because tonight was about Timmy. And the way that that went down was just really rotten.

Dan Wheeler I could (and did) yell at: "Come on! When did you graduate from high school? You're not that old and Wakey's been around forever. You must've rooted for him at some point. Do it for Wake." (It was 1996)

But Daniel Bard clearly has no concept of how long and how hard Wake has worked to get to this point; the way he's dealt with utter nonsense with quiet grace and dignity. Tim Wakefield is a true gentleman and a genuinely good person; a rarity among baseball players--certainly the only one on his team. If Daniel Bard understood, then he would have figured out a way to pitch better. This may be petty but I was glad the Matty Bumpo allowed those runs in: Wakey may not have deserved the win but Bard certainly deserved the loss.

Perhaps things will be different next time, if there is a next time.

The title is from Robert Burns' Epistle from Esopus to Maria.

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