Tuesday, May 31, 2011


(AP Photo)

Alright, boyos. Perhaps you're like my mother and this whole thing is an effort to be nice: Losing teams win so rarely, so it's nice of you to allow them to win. Maybe you're more like my brother and think, "This should be easy" and so can't be bothered to put any effort into trying to win, just assuming that you will. Whichever your motivation: Enough is enough.

Because, pigeons, you have a stunningly fantastic inability to beat crap teams. It's impressive really; the teams you're supposed to beat if you're going to be a contender, well those teams just have their way with you. They can literally manhandle and abuse you and you just stand there with a slightly bemused expression on your face and do nothing about it.

I can't imagine how much losing teams must look forward to Boston coming into town. The Baltimore's, KC's, and Chicago's of the world must throw themselves a little party every time yo guys come up on the schedule. They've got to know that they stand a good chance of winning two out of three or even sweeping the series.

It's really rather pitiable.

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