Saturday, May 1, 2010

On Losing.

Dearest Team:

Hiya. How are things? You may have noticed that things have gone a bit quiet around here lately. It's not that I fell off of the bandwagon, twisted an ankle, and was, therefore, unable to catch up to it again. I promise. There was an attempt to give up baseball all together in a show of solidarity for Wake but that didn't last very long. The thing is: writing about losing day in and day out is boring. Whining about what an awful team this year's would appear to be is unattractive. Who would want to read about that? So rather than spending a fair amount of time on new and interesting ways to lose baseball games, I didn't write anything at all.

But, dear hearts, I do have a piece of advice for you: If you're going to lose, then just lose. It seems to me that in the majority of baseball fans, there's this odd co-mingling of cynicism and optimism that, by it's very nature, leads to the worst kind of heartbreak. Tonight's one step forward, two steps back routine is a prime example. I couldn't help but think "This is it. They're going to win the game and it's going to be the catalyst for them to stop being a mediocre baseball team." alternated with "Aw. Crap. Never mind." And ultimately, sometimes it really sucks to be proven right.


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