Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Prepare Ye.

Gentlemen: There are forty-five baseball games left in the regular season. If you win two-thirds of them, then you'll win the thirty games that would put you in a good spot to make the post season. But because you're August has been crap so far, you've left yourself very little wiggle room.

While it's a long shot, the post season is not a completely lost cause. It seems as if you played .600 ball for most of the season. If you just go back to doing that, then you'll be in good shape. There's no time left for dilly-dallying or shilly-shallying. It's time to buckle down and do what you're supposed to do. (Or as my father is fond of saying "It's time to make the donuts.") And while you could do it in fits and spurts, it seems that the best course of action would be to meticulously take down each opponent as they come, series by series. But if you want to sweep the rest of the Yankee games, that'd be fine with me.

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