Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Birthday and Other Stories.

My struggles with liking Kevin Youkilis have been well documented here. It seems like every time he gets some points in the cool column, he does something to get an equal number of points in the uncool column. Today, he gets more points toward cool.

Youkilis spent some time today(?) helping homeless kids celebrate their birthdays in Needham. Definitely a good deed. The sight of him gently wiping down sticky fingers is very sweet. Also, his wife looks adorable in that picture.

Youkilis also spent some time on an unnamed Thursday at the Guidance Center speaking to children with "emotional and behavioral imbalances." I imagine that both the writer of the article and I put that in quotes because we both have no clue what it means. Youk's reasoning for giving the speech was simple "It's a lot of fun to see the smiles on their faces and that's why I came; to have fun for an hour and pretty much give the kids some more joy this time of year." That's our Youk, spreading the Hanukkah cheer.

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