Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just Because It's June.

If life were really like a musical and I could break out into song and dance whenever I had the compulsion, then I would be a happy camper. Since it's not and singing in the streets is generally frowned upon, I will do my best to refrain.

The similarities between this baseball season and 'June is Bustin' Out All Over' from Carousel are, however, too plentiful to not comment on.

April cried and stepped aside: That seems like an absolutely appropriate reaction to the way they played in April.

May was full of promises: Like clawing your way from last to first.

But she couldn't keep 'em quick enough for some: Like, in all likelihood, falling out of first on the last day of the month.

A crowd of doubtin' Thomases was predictin' that the summer'd never come: It has been cold and rainy and horrible.

But it's coming by gum: We can only hope.

June is for busting out. The song says so. So have at it boys.

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