Thursday, April 7, 2011

You're All Worthless and Weak.

*Upon re-reading, this may be a bit of an overreaction.

I would have gone with Twisted Sister but I used it last year and if there ever was a situation that called for the magic of show tunes, this has got to be it right here. Lenny will save the day, since nobody else seems to be able to.

But who the hell are you, Dustin Pedroia? Don't tell me how to feel or what to think. Don't lecture me on supporting a team. Don't tell me, in essence, that because I don't see the peaches-and-cream of your current situation (despite my perpetual Pollyanna-hood), I'm a bad fan and should abandon ship.

For better or worse, this is my team. This has been my team since before you were even aware that they existed. I've followed this team through much worse times than this. I've rooted for some not-so-fabulous human beings because they wore a B on their hat and Red Sox across their chest. You, dear heart, are temporary but Boston baseball is about as permanent as you can get. In the, relatively, not to distant future, someone else will be playing second base for this team and I will be wholeheartedly rooting for that kid. Don't pretend that there's anything you can tell me about being a fan.

So, yeah. I will be watching tomorrow, just like I've watched the first six disasters of the season. I might be positive that you'll get your feet under you and win but I'll be there. I'll be there when you lose and I'll be there when you win. It's a simple as that.

I will forgive you for, what is generally, an unforgivable offense--I've ignored mostly everything Lou Merloni has said since he proclaimed that Red Sox fans should hate Manny Ramirez--because I love you to bits. But it's really not cool.

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