Saturday, March 19, 2011

World Series Bound?

According to experts, Boston looks like it could go deep into the playoffs. *Knock wood* But you've got to wonder, how that could be possible when they can't seem to beat the Pirates? I know it's only spring training and nobody really cares. It's not time to hop off the bandwagon. Yet.

So they've got a little mini slide going on. No big deal. Especially because I've figured out their current problem. They've all forgotten how to play baseball well; missing catch-able balls, throwing balls away, face planting on the pitcher's mound, striking out. It all adds up.

Photographic evidence:

(AP Photo)
Mike Cameron, who started the spring off very hot, is having an especially difficult time remembering how to swing a baseball bat.

On an unrelated note, I saw this little kid in a Cameron t-shirt when I was at lunch today and it made me inexplicably happy.

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