Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pitch Man.

I am a sucker for all things Papelbon. I can understand how he would annoy the crap out of fans for other teams but I love the idiot dearly. This season he'd been doing his damnedest to sell Dunkin' Donuts' products and the latest promotion he's lent his likeness to is called Bases Loaded.

Basically, you enter the code from your cold Dunkin' Donuts' drink and watch the character take a couple of hacks against computer Jonathan Papelbon (you could also swing against Joba Chamberlain but given my affinity for Paps, why would I do that?)

The game is highly amusing if only for the little videos that go along with it. There's the ridiculously stiff reading of the introduction material and the wonderfully hammy presser after he strikes you out or you get a hit (the getting a hit one is better than the striking you out one.) Also, for someone who could just ask his wife for acting advice Papelbon is far out shown in the acting department by Chamberlain.

Anyway, if the idea of iced coffee gives you the willies or, like me, you haven't stepped into a Dunkin's in years the code to enter for free is: 33FYVD3JHR99. You can enter it up to three times per day.

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