Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm Not A Doctor but I Play One on the Internet.

The MRIs coming out of Mass General yesterday did not bring glad tidings to the Red Sox. David Ortiz was diagnosed with a slight tear of the extensor carpi ulnaris sheath--conveniently highlighted in pink above (letter J, if it's too faint)--of his left hand.

The tendon runs along the ulna from the elbow to the pinky-finger side of the wrist. It connects the upper arm to the wrist. It's lot in life is to unflex the wrist and to help the wrist move inward toward the body. For most of the length of the tendon, it's lined with muscle fiber but right before it dives into the carpals at the wrist, the muscle stops and is replaced by a sheath. The sheath is filled with fluid and it's purpose is to keep the tendon lubricated and safe from the bone. The sheath is what Papi tore. With the tendon exposed, movement becomes both difficult and painful.

The prescription is a couple weeks of immobility and a prayer that it will heal itself. If it doesn't, he's looking at surgery. But surgery is really a very rare course of action.

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