Monday, July 29, 2013

Bitch, Please.

So Tampa likes to portray itself as a model organization. And with holy Joe Maddon, the keeper of all that is good and right in baseball, a modern-day St. Sebastian crusading tirelessly against all of the baddies in the game (except for when his players are caught cheating because then it's cool), how could they not be?

But then you have the person who runs the team Twitter account. I can see who this person was in high school: hanging out at the edge of the group, trying to be cool, trying desperately to fit in, and not succeeding. The other day, said individual butted in on the David smashes a telephone incident--uncomfortable for everyone. And tonight we get:

My response to the nastiness varied from "Good for you for pointing out that the game shouldn't be over yet." to a rant that would make a sailor blush.

At first glance, I thought that Boston was taking the high road in their response. But this is a thing of beauty, a stunningly gorgeous subtle take down. Makes you proud.

How d'ya like dem apples?

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