Saturday, March 30, 2013

When Athlete Twitter Accounts Go Horribly Wrong.

I think that celebrity Twitter accounts have a place. They can provide a really interesting insight into a completely foreign lifestyle. I loved Ryan Kalish before but following his twitter account has (seriously) led me to the conclusion that he is the sweetest, most adorable boy ever. But sometimes athletes provide you with really, really uncomfortable insights like when Dustin Pedroia posted this:

Assuming that he just has the order of events wrong (and his wife doesn't actually have telekinesis), he praises his wife as "wife of the year" for acting like his mother. Go, Kelli! Go, Snacks! Now, he's not the brainiest of individuals and maybe there is a good chance that he burns down the rental trying to toast up his English muffin pizza. But it's all very awkward and not really something that I wanted to know about him or their relationship. Or, then again, maybe she enjoys having a slightly overgrown child to go along with her two actual children.  

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