Friday, June 8, 2012

Hurry Up.

Dearest chickadees,

To be filed under: You Learn Something New Everyday.
It turns out that time flies not just when you're having fun (at least I assume that you're not having fun and if I'm wrong please feel free to correct me) but also when you are miserable. Who knew? And I'm sorry to say that it's getting awfully late for this .500 mediocre crap, my lovelies.

I realize that this is what happens when you run a maybe-okay team against a very good team. The good team will win and the not so good team will look ridiculous. Pascal declared it to be so. It's just annoying because you weren't supposed to be a maybe-okay team. You were supposed to be better than that.

So here's the thing gentlemen: If you're going to flame out, then you should do it spectacularly. Try to be the worst team that ever played major league baseball. Who knows, it  might be fun? If you're going to be serious about playing baseball, then you really need to hurry up. Tempus fugit.

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