Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Honesty: For the past couple of days, I've been thinking of abandoning this blog. I've got nine hundred and ninety-nine posts on here and there was something poetic and oddly satisfying about quitting before I got to one thousand. But then Mike Cameron wore that shirt and it just wasn't something that could be allowed to pass without comment. So I guess that I'm in this for the long haul.

It's a stunning shirt. Fashion sense aside, there's yet another reason to be a Mike Cameron fan; if he wasn't a baseball player, then he would be an architect. In a tale of dreams dashed (and the kind of thing that sticks with you for decades) I remember telling my third grade teacher, Mrs. McNeil, that I wanted to be an architect only to have her reply that you couldn't be an architect if you weren't able to draw straight lines. (As if she knew anything about becoming an architect. Whatever. Dream-squasher.) So I think architects and engineers are just the coolest people. It's too bad Charlie Zink moved on to St. Louis; they could have talked about architecture.

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