Sunday, October 22, 2017


There's an older gentleman who does his grocery shopping at the same time, in the same store that I do. I've never spoken to him or seen him anywhere else besides Stop and Shop but I hate him. He's a Yankees fan. But he's only willing to proclaim his team loyalty by wearing his stupid Yankees t-shirt the day after they win. If they lose on Saturday (I go grocery shopping on Sunday morning) he wears normal, non-jackass clothing. It makes me glad.

One would think that with time and the general good fortune my team has had, I would be able to get over it. But I don't think that I really will.

I am willing to admit that being a Yankees fan doesn't necessarily make you a jackass. I have yet to meet a Yankees fan who isn't one but I am willing to concede that such a person might exist. It remains a terrible character flaw and I doubt that I could ever be convinced otherwise.

And so the day that the Yankees don't win? That's a good day.

Today is a good day.

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