Monday, April 6, 2015

Another Op'nin, Another Show.

I guess that it's a Cole Porter kind of year. So, while recently we may not have had all that much to say around here, it's probably a good thing that he was so prolific. (I don't really know what all that means but there's a perfect song/blog title and then there's a perfect song/blog title and in the end, who am I to argue?)

It really is like summer stock; same players, different plot everyday. I think that there are those in this game who don't understand that (people like David Price or Chris Archer--people who bang the nonsensical respect-the-game drum) this is theatre. It's camp. A bit of frivolity. There are heros and villains and, hopefully, the triumph of good over evil.

[Aside: Speaking of drums: I'd bet that the idiot with the drum in Cleveland can often be heard ranting about respecting the game.]

And say what you will about this team (I'd have a hard time disagreeing with the idea that their pitching isn't going to be able to do it.) but they should be fun. And fun is what a baseball team should be--who wants to sit around and watch boring theatre beside pretentious nincompoops and Yankee fans?

So let's start the show.

Break a leg boys.

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