Friday, June 14, 2013

Better Days Ahead. (We Hope.)

Well, my lovelies, that was sad.

Certainly, a much better game by Dempster but when you've got a Don't-take-the-bat-off-your-shoulder guy, followed by a pair of Please-oh-please-only-make-one-out guys, the offense is kind of rough. But it's got to get better, right? Don't-take-the-bat-off-your-shoulder guy will remember what a strike looks like (not that he was ever particularly good at it: Will was always going to strike out in bunches.) and at least make better contact. Of course, if you do take him out, you're replacing him with Alright-come-on-J--- who isn't exactly setting the world on fire. And your replacement for the first Please-oh-please-only-make-one-out guy is For-the-love-of-baby-otters-please-don't-swing-at-the-first-pitch. And the replacement for the second one (I don't feel like typing that whole thing out again) is not one this team.

And so we turn to John Lackey to be our savior because Jon Lester isn't going to pitch well. And that makes me oh so nervous.

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