Monday, June 21, 2010

Parental Advisory.

I don't think that I'm overly judgmental; I'm more of a happy hedonist. To each his own, whatever floats your boat is usually where I come from. But there are two things that I find inexcusable: dressing poorly [Aside: I am getting better about not picking on people because of their clothing choices. I haven't called out Victor Martinez on his apparent Abercrombie and Fitch fixation or that he seems to buy his outfits at the mall or the hat he's been wearing lately that looks like a tagiyah. It's summer, peaches, you don't need a knit hat. Unless of course, he's become Muslim; in which case, apologies. There are, however, still some egregious ensembles that need to be pointed out.] and bad music.

I know good music and while this may be a catchy tune and is, apparently, wildly popular out in Colorado, it is not good music. At all. And so I have a favor to ask of you boys, you can't let a team that would promulgate such cheerleadery crap beat you, could you?

Fair warning: Whether you're a skinny white dude or not, if you press play, you may find yourself unable to avoid urging the "C-O-L-O-R-A-D-O Ra-kaaaaaaaaays" to "hit it out da park" for a long time. The stupid little tune has been stuck in my head for days. Also, they don't have a park, they have a field. Get with it skinny white dude.

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