Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Daisuke!

Today marks Daisuke Matsuzaka's twenty-eighth birthday.

When left to his own devices, Matsuzaka is an impressive pitcher. He's got nerves of steel. He's got ice water coursing through his veins. And he's got all the other cliches you can think of to mean he's unphase-able and good under pressure. Undoubtedly, he's also responsible for any number of ulcers in the Greater Red Sox Nation area.

He's a little like Wakefield in that regard, just leave him alone and let him do his thing because he knows what he's doing. It's easy to imagine that had he landed with any other team, the tinkering would have started in an attempt to turn him into an American pitcher rather than a Japanese pitcher pitching in America. Having learned patience from Wakefield, they seem to mostly just let him go and that's probably a good thing. Because while his starts can be painful to watch, he's mostly done a very good job this season.

So happy birthday Daisuke! May you have many happy and healthy returns.

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