Friday, February 29, 2008
Baseball Tonight!

Thursday, February 28, 2008
A Multi-talented Crisp

The Old College Try

The Northeastern Huskies didn't fair as poorly. Granted, they didn't have to face as seasoned a pitcher as the BC boys did in Justin Masterson. Still, they went down 15-0 in a seven inning game.
Apologies to Davy Jones, et al.

Get the funniest looks from
Everyone we meet.
Hey, hey we're the Red Sox

And people say we monkey around

But were too busy swinging

To put anybody down.
We're just tryin' to be friendly,

So come and watch us swing and play.

We're the young generation

Hey, hey we're the Red Sox,

So you better get ready,

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Answers. Finally.
Josh Beckett did an interview with NECN's Chris Collins the other day. For most of the interview he just says what he's supposed to say; it takes a team to win a World Series, he's not upset that he didn't win the Cy Young, he's wary of the trip to Japan but looking forward to it anyway. Blah. Blah. Blah. He does mention that they have a plane with beds on it, which is a little interesting. Forty-six seconds from the end, though, he lays down the truth about his necklaces.
He doesn't think he wears an excessive amount of jewelry. What's more they're not decoration, they serve a purpose. Thank you very much. The ugly brownish-green one is supposed to keep your neck from getting stiff. The shark tooth like one is supposed to help you keep your concentration (it has a specific name but for the life of me I can't understand what he says.)
Josh, kitten, seriously? I get that baseball players are a superstitious bunch, but a necklace that's supposed to help you keep your concentration?
Lowell and Varitek in Washington
After their visit with W, Lowell and Varitek answered some questions.
Lowell touched on a number of topics, starting with how much he enjoyed his visit today. He said that he thought that W was a funny guy, he spoke about why he re-signed with Boston, and said that he looking forward to next season. He really comes across as very suave.
Varitek also answered some questions. He talked about enjoying this trip more than the visit after 2004, appreciating the opportunity to visit the Walter Reed Hospital, and why the Red Sox are awesome. He doesn't come as suave as Lowell.
I don't know why they had Okajima standing between them. Maybe he answered some questions before the video started. He came across as very quiet.
Dr. Snyderlove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Throw a Ball

“We went on a field trip in seventh grade, went to the Naval Academy, and I fell off a missile,” Snyder said. “We were doing a photograph and we were trying to get everyone in order, shortest to tallest, and because we were moving around I fell off and fell about 10 feet. My face landed on a railing."
“I got 20 stitches around my lip. I had to wear braces - at that age, it was a disaster - and they took me by ambulance to Walter Reed.”
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Edit: Turns out it was only wishful thinking that he had shaved. Also, I guess the put together look doesn't last very long-a few hours on a plane is the limit.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
What the Hell II?
What the Hell?

Monday, February 25, 2008
Golfing with the Good Guys

You Learn Something New Everyday
I'm not sure how I feel about this new Josh Beckett who seems to be emerging. First, he was smiling and seemed to be enjoying himself. Then, he showed evidence of introspection. And now it turns out he can write at least passably well. What has happened to the simple, easy to predict, one-dimensional character that we knew? What'll we find out next? That he devoured Proust in the original French? That he does, in fact, get paid to make those decisions?
Also, Pedroia was on Red Sox this Week right afterward. I don't know if they'll put the interview up on their website but if they do check out the boy's fashion sense. First he says that he's going to wear an American flag tie to meet the president, which he quickly amends to an American flag suit. A joke, probably; it's hard to tell when the person making it happens to be wearing gray, madras, bermuda shorts. I don't know where he purchased them. They're very preppy goth-I guess.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A New Contract for Terry

Happy Birthday Mikey Lowell!

Saturday, February 23, 2008
An Ode (Care of Steven Sondheim) to Mr. Kielty and his Hair

Something's coming-something good.
If I can wait!
Something's coming, I don't know what it is,
But it is
Gonna be great!
It's Official

"The incident took place when Casey was playing in the Cape Cod League for the Brewster Whitecaps in 1994 and his part-time job was working in the bakery at the Stop & Shop in Yarmouth. We'll let him fill in the rest.
"I didn't make any money back then and I was always starving," he said. "The baking lady told me that if anything fell on the floor I could have it. So I would knock a bagel off the table every morning, put some cream cheese on and eat it."
Friday, February 22, 2008
Millar being Millar

Back in Fort Lauderdale, Millar held a printout of Dempster's comments and orchestrated an impromptu news conference.
"If Dempster threw it at my ribs, that means he's trying to go down and away," Millar said. "He has no command, no control of any fastball he throws, so he can't tell anybody where he's going to throw the baseball. The young man made the [2000]All-Star team with the Fighting Fish [ Florida Marlins] because they had to take somebody. The guy's lived off the 2000 All-Star stuff for many, many, many years, and I'm tired of hearing about it.
"There's a Budweiser sign in Wrigley Field. He'll try to throw the fastball down and away, and it might get away from him and hit me. The next at-bat, he's going to try to throw a hanging slider and I'm going hit it off the Budweiser sign."
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Crisp v. Ellsbury: A (Batting) Cage Match

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Svelte Papi

Monday, February 18, 2008
Metrosexuals love Jacoby

"...which blacks out the ballpark as soon as he bolts for second base. "I don't hear anything. I'm just thinking, 'Get there, get there, they don't have a shot,'?" he says. "In the postseason, I ran faster than I've ever run before. I'm just"—he raises his arms and simulates a very powerful robot running—"choo-choo-choo-choo. And once I slide, that's when I hear the crowd and know that I've made it, when you hear that roar."
"We never really talk about baseball," says Ellsbury. "That's a time to just relax....One night might be cool for karaoke, the next night might be just chillin'. Each night kind of flows." (Under duress, he reluctantly confesses that his clutch karaoke tune is "You've Lost that Lovin' Feelin'.")
Terry and Peddy sittin' in a tree...

"The Sullivan Tire commercial shoot offered one of the first opportunities for Pedroia and Francona to execute a series of good-natured jabs, a staple last year.
First came Pedroia’s explanation regarding why he will serve as the company’s spokesman: “He probably did the worst commercial of all time, so they are finally going to get somebody who can do something decent, or actually above average.”
Francona responded: “They were replacing a 49-year-old, so they were looking for somebody who closely resembled me, and he fit the bill."
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Manny Del!

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Mr. Manny Delcarmen a happy 26th birthday. There's been talk down in Florida that this might be his year to emerge as something special-26 is a good year, maybe it's true.
The picture is from the Bostonist from a fashion show he took part in earlier this month (I think.) The ring he's modeling displays how many times your name (though I suppose it could be anything) has been Googled. But for some reason, I'm not entirely sure why, it (the picture, not the ring) makes me want to bust out with: "Go! Go! Power Rangers!"
Note: I feel that it's important to point out, for my own pride and reputation's sake, that I never watched Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. It was my brother, I swear.
Friday, February 15, 2008
An Update.

"Jays president Paul Godfrey says Toronto fans have the same right to buy tickets for April games against the Boston Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers.
The Jays farmed out sales for the April 5-6 games to Boston fans and to Detroit fans for the April 18-21 series. Godfrey says fans can sign up to Inside Pitch on the Jays website and can purchase "better tickets" than those available to Red Sox and Tigers faithful."
So there's that. As I said before, if I was a Jays fan this plan would have pissed me off hugely. As it stands though, what's to prevent me from registering on the website as a Jays fan to get the better tickets? And why, if I was interested in buying tickets, would I buy them at pre-sale if I had to wait until they actually went on sale to get good tickets? It was just a bad plan that should never have come to fruition.
Tim Wakefield: Potential Winningest Pitcher

"I'd like to get to 200 wins and I'd like to tie or maybe break Cy Young or Roger Clemens' for all-time Red Sox (wins) but I don't know if that's possible. If I win 20 games the next two years, it's possible. It's probably within reach if I can play for four more years."
"The hardest thing to do is to take yourself out, to not think of yourself but to think of the team. As an athlete or as a competitor, it's hard to do that."
"You train and you play for a whole season to get to that point and not being able to perform on the biggest stage, I was disappointed. But, I think, from a team standpoint it was the right decision."
"He's in good shape and we'll see when we talk to him how he wants to approach this spring. I think he's approaching it as any other year, looking to give us a lot of innings."
Thursday, February 14, 2008
It Really Feels Like Spring Now

"Spring training's always fun. Spring training is a time to relax, at the same time start getting ready for next season. I always get excited. Just on the way down here, driving and stuff, you think about what happened last year, going out there and doing it again. You turn the radio up loud. You cruise. It's always a fun time of year for me."
"If you believe it you believe it, if you don't you don't."
"if somebody is shooting him up with something he knows what's in it."
"If the Red Sox aren't the team to beat, he'd like to know who is."
Edit: There is a video on the NESN website of Papelbon saying that he doesn't want to go to Japan. But if he has to, he hopes there is a McDonalds there. Awww, sweetie. Tokyo is a huge city with almost 13 million people in it; very modern, very urban, and as Eastern citites go-quite Western. You're not going to be living in a pagoda in the middle of a rice paddy. You'll probably be staying in a Western hotel, all of the staff will speak English, and will be happy to ply you with all the steak and potatoes you could stomach. If you desperately wanted to go to McDonalds, it wouldn't be hard to find one; but why go to McDonalds when you could visit Americatown? It has occured to me (two days later-but I'm all about accuracy around these parts) that they went to Osaka and not to Tokyo. So I guess Americatown is out.
Hell's yeah (my Papelbon moment for the day) it worked!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What? What's That? What's That You Say? You Say There Is Some News Today? (Apologies to Shel Silverstein)

I suppose I could have written about Youkilis agreeing to a $3 million contract but there really isn't much to say about it. He's a good ball player, just really boring.
I could have written about Beckett appearing to be a little bit fat in the pictures from the Projo yesterday. But that was a can of worms that I wasn't ready to open-not because I feel guilty about making fun of him. A single look at that smug little smirk of his erased any romanticizing I had done of the man during the offseason-it just didn't feel worth mentioning (especially after the way I ripped into Ms. Benjamin regarding the fluff-tastic nature of her writing.)
I had this really brilliant post written in my head about how Pedroia and Manny are cut from the same cloth. The difference between them is that because Pedroia grew up in California he has a little better grasp of the English language and can form slightly more coherent sentences. I never got around to transcribing it, though, and then it was a few days later and less relevant.
I could have written about Wally the Green Monster welcoming a naval ship to shore (and I was tempted because I really like the picture that accompanies the story-here's this character who could have walked off the set of H.R. Pufnstuf and is now manning a battle station. It's very surreal.) but that's really stretching for material.
So what exactly is worth writing about? Is it Roger on Capital Hill desperate for someone to believe him? Not a chance. I've given up caring whether he's a lying bastard or not (at least that's what I'm telling myself.) Is it that despite (or perhaps to spite) this heinous, hideous weather NESN has seen fit to provide us with something damn close to actual baseball coverage tonight? Bingo.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Praise Jebus!

Baseball. The thought of it makes me giddy. Of course, it's also the time of year that people start to give you weird looks. "How can you adore a game that really has nothing to do with you?" they want to know. "What are you talking about? It's a truck loaded with baseball equipment driving down to Florida. What's exciting about that?"
In the fall, either they've gotten used to your obsession or fallen in love with baseball themselves and they can accept your devotion but in the early-early spring, when the roads are icy and you're buried under three feet of snow, only the crazies think about baseball. It's a time when you need to have an explanation for something that is really inexplicable. Trying to explain it satisfactorily here is just as hard as trying to explain it to the uninitiated.
If it weren't too corny, I would say "I live for this" but it is too corny so I won't. It does deserve a woot, though. Woot!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Tickets! Anybody Need Tickets?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Johnny Damon is Still a Jackass
From the TCPalm:
"When I left Boston, they kind of had a feeling they weren't going to sign me, and they ended up being the third best team in the American League because of it."
Really, Johnny? The reason that the Red Sox finished in third that year was because they decided that they didn't want to sign you. It had nothing to do with that fact that the last two months of 2006 were a return to the Red Sox of yore-they finished the season miserably-and it's likely that not even you, St. Johnny of Kansas, could have pulled them out of it.
"Then last year, they ended up spending $200 million. They went off and got a guy in Daisuke, who's probably the number one pitcher on fifteen other teams. They got a shortstop that not too many people knew a lot about but is a very good player. They added J.D. Drew, who didn't show up until the post-season. They got a kid who probably should've been heir-apparent to me, Jacoby Ellsbury, who came on strong."
Well obviously, the only way that they could replace the awesome-osity that is you, Johnny Damon, was to bring in three new players, none of whom really performed up to expectations during the season, and sign them to big contracts. One Johnny Damon is worth three decent players. But, sweetheart, they'd drafted Jacoby while you were still on the team; unless, they were thinking three years in to the future they didn't draft him to replace you.
"They're not a better team without me. I know that. But that's how baseball goes. One guy leaves, sometimes teams get better because they get to add a few more players."
Oh, for the love of baby otters and all that is good in this world: Get over yourself.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Who's your Daddy?

"Besides, New York can't gloat, the Giants are from Jersey. This one doesn't count."
"Feel bad, be upset because your team lost. That's what being a fan is supposed to be about. But don't make this personal. And understand that you are living in some pretty damn good times for the sports franchises here in Boston."
Dustin Brown, no. --

Clay Buchholz, no. 61

Birth Date: August 14, 1984 in Nederland, TX
Height/Weight: 6'3", 191 lb.
College: Angelina Junior College
Contract: League Minimum
To be filed under: You Learn Something New Everday: There were a lot of Germans who settled in Texas. I knew there were Germans in Pennsylvania and in upstate New York but I didn't know about Texas.
Around here, German surnames are a rarity-you'll run across an occasional Snyder or Holt-but Eurpean last names, on the whole, tend to be Anglo, or Italian, or French, or possibly Polish. My guess is that few people in New England would have real trouble with Saltalamacchia but Buchholz really throws us for a loop.
Buchholz threw in 4 major league games last season, one of which was his no-hitter. Clearly way too small of a sample size to be of any use (just going on those numbers he's projected to be a 29 game winner), but the numbers are impressive: Over 22.7 innings, he struck out 22 players, gave up 14 hits, and walked 10. He had 8 starts in Pawtucket, where he struck out 55 players, gave up 32 hits, and walked 13. His Earned Run Average was kind of high at 3.96. In Portland, his ERA was a stunning 1.77 and his WHIP was only .89.
The kid has amazing stuff-he has a four seam fastball in the low to mid ninties, a two seam fastball that runs from the high eighties to the low ninties, a straight changup that runs from the high seventies to the low eighties, a circle changeup, a curveball that runs from the high seventies to the low eighties, and an average slider that sits in the low to mid-eighties. He is a little guy and he's struggled with consistency in the past but he has the potential to be very, very good.