Fine. Terry didn't win American League Manager of the Year. Whatever. He doesn't need your stinkin' accolades, anyway. This year alone, he's got the best record in the American League East, an American League pennant and a World Series championship to prove to himself that he is very good at what he does. He doesn't need a stamp of approval from a bunch of baseball writers to know that.
What he does need is a raise, preferably a big one. Sure, the man already makes a boatload of money (more money than I could ever hope to make in a year) but compared to other big-market, big-league managers, it's a pittance. Back in October there were assurances that his contract would be extended. Hopefully, that extension would include a raise. On the off chance that the Front Office is actually insane and it doesn't (and because I am a good, giving, generous soul) I have decided to start a campaign.
It bears the rather unoriginal title "The Campaign for Terry"; it's single goal is to insure that Terry Francona receives the bonus that he is due.
The idea is simple. If every good and true Red Sox fan was to open his wallet and share a little bit of what he found there, then we could easily achieve our goal. There are just over fourteen million people living in New England. If even 1/10 of the population participated and threw a couple of bucks Terry's way, then we could almost double his salary for the year. And as far as I can tell, though I am by no means an accountant, the money would come to Terry as tax free gifts.
The following is the text of the note I included with my contribution:
Dear Terry:
As a long suffering member of Red Sox nation, I would like to thank you for all that you have done for our team. It is through your leadership that they were able to pull it off, not once but twice. I greatly appreciate all the hard work and dedication that you have shown. I would invite you to lunch but since you probably wouldn't accept, here's a couple of bucks. Lunch is on me.
Note: I signed the note but did not include my return address for fear that he might actually return it to me.
If you wish to join us in the cause, the address is:
Terry Francona
c/o Fenway Park
4 Yawkey Way
Boston, MA 02215