Thursday, June 25, 2009


This has nothing to do with the Red Sox but a couple of weeks ago (I could look it up but don't really feel like it) I put Magglio Ordonez *tilde implied* on my list of not-bad-looking ballplayers because of his hair. Today on the pre-game, they showed him hitting a home run and circling the bases and I yelled at my television "He cut his hair?!?" And this is just too gross to not pass along.

If you're really into Magglio's hair (much, much more than I was), then you can purchase his shorn locks. He's auctioning off his hair on e-bay (along with tickets to watch a game from his skybox at Comerica and an autographed bat) to raise money for charity. As of right this very moment, no bids have been placed on the mound of hair but hey! it comes with free shipping.

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