Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Moment 1: Get Down Tonight.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Moment 2: Back from the Dead.

Monday, December 29, 2008
Moment 3: Jon Lester Proves Me Wrong.


Sunday, December 28, 2008
Moment 4: With this Ring...

Pride of Woodland.

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Moment 5: Fight!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Moment 5.5: A High Five for the Ages.
May 14. Boston at Baltimore.
It was certainly a fabulous play. Fourth inning. Runners at first and second, one out. A long drive to left field off the bat of Kevin Millar. Seemingly gone or, at least, off the wall. Instead, the ball is intercepted in an over-the-shoulder catch by Manny, relayed to Pedroia, tossed to Youkilis and Aubrey Huff is doubled up.
But the gem of the play was the brief time before Manny returned the ball to the infield. He was carried up the seven foot wall by a force known only to Manny Ramirez, reached out, and high-fived a fan. And then returned to the dugout absolutely delighted with himself.
This was Manny at his Manny-est and deserving of spot 5.5.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tough Economic Times.
Sometimes I feel a little bad about making fun of JD Drew. He seems like a sincere, down-to-earth, decent human being. These are all qualities that I would normally openly admire in a person. I guess my concern is that it seems like he wouldn't get the joke. But somethings just have to be commented on. Somethings cannot be allowed to slide.
There's a nice little heartwarming story about Christmas at the Drew's in the Herald today. The gist of the article is that his son is doing better and is starting to get the whole Santa thing. But then he very casually drops this:
"We pulled up to a Wal-Mart right after the offseason began, and there was a little miniature toy house outside with the toy display. I didn’t even notice it at the time. Later, when we took him to see Santa Claus, he told him he wanted a house with a doorbell. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what in the world he was getting at.
Later, when we brought him back to Wal-Mart, he pointed to that house again. It had a little battery-powered doorbell to it. And you know how little kids think. So he’s all fired up about a little house that has a doorbell.”
JD Drew shops at Wal-Mart. And it wasn't just the one time emergency stop, either. Oh no. They went back to Wal-Mart. I know you live in rural, rural Georgia but really? Wal-Mart? Really?
Moment 6: the Golden Paddle.
February 27. Fort Myers.
It started with Brian Roberts (I'm sure there are a lot of stories that have a bad result that start out in that exact manner.) He came out of the Arizona Performance Institute last winter with a story of work-out companion Dustin Pedroia challenging some hulking football player to a game of table tennis. Word got around, Comcast Sportsnet picked it up, and, in Mikey's own words, "this illustrious event" was born. Unfortunately for Pedroia, it turns out that Mike Lowell can whip any normal person's ass at Ping Pong.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Moment 7: No. 6.

Oh, Cashie.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Cavalcade of Stars.

Happy Birthday and Other Stories.

Moment 8: 500.

Is anyone really surprised that the Yankees got Mark Teixeira? Anyone?
If there was a team that was so out of touch with reality as to give him what he wanted, then the Yankees should have always been the prime suspects. One might wonder if there might be a backlash from the more casual fans. It seems to me that average people who are struggling to make ends meet might be less interested in patronizing a team that spends a quarter of a billion dollars and then attempts to pass the hat than they might be otherwise. Filling their shiny new stadium could become problematic.
Just: Mike Lowell? Please, please, please be healthy. And good. Be healthy and good.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Moment 9: Dustin to the Rescue.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Moment 10: Charlie's Game.

August 12. Rangers at Red Sox.
Charlie Zink made his major league debut. David Ortiz hit two three-run homeruns in the first inning (and very nearly got a third homerun in the fifth inning.) Kevin Youkilis hit a two-run homerun in the fifth and a three-run homerun in the eighth. They scored nineteen runs in a long, wild game.
I rewatched this game yesterday and remember it a lot more fondly than I should have. I remember it as being a fun game, very exciting. Knowing the outcome, it was bad. It was really, really bad. Texas pitched at the level you would expect them to pitch at but they were met with a equal level of suckiness from the Boston bullpen. Lopez, Aardsma, Delcarmen, Okajima, and Papelbon each trotted out there and only Okajima managed to keep Texas from scoring. It was sloppy too. Youkilis had an error at first and an error at third.
That said, it was a very memorable game. So it gets spot 10.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Weather Outside is Frightful?

Thursday, December 18, 2008
You could cry tough economic times as a reason for not going for Teixeira and you'd probably have a leg to stand on. The reality is: television ratings for baseball are down across the board. Fewer sets of eyes means less ad revenue. Moreover, Red Sox fandom may have reached it's saturation point. I don't pretend to know how much money they brought in last year but, short of dowsing for new revenue streams, that may be it. Who else could they get to part with their money, though? They've made inroads into the Asian market, Jason Bay's presence seemed to pique the interest of Canadian newspapers, but who else is there? I suppose that women make up a sizable portion of the population not particularly interested in baseball but selling 'baseball for women' would not be an easy task.
Or it might just suck in that the 'getting' of Mark Teixeira comes at the expense of Mike Lowell. When Manny left I felt like I'd been dumped. When Trot made his way in from right field that last rainy time I felt like I'd had my heart ripped out. When they kick Mike Lowell to the curb for this guy, it's going to be hard. (And if he takes Mikey's 25, I won't go all Yankee fan LaTroy Hawkins/Roberto Clemente/Paul O'Neill on him but it'll be salt in the wound.) I understand the need for a big bat in the lineup. I do. If Teixeira was something really, really special, then I could stomach it. I guess. But I adore Mike Lowell.
Thinking about it makes me grumpy, though. So instead of continued depressing rumination, high hilarity: the Season Two Premier of Flight of the Conchords.
Blerg. It doesn't seem to want to work properly.
An Indian Giver of Compliments.

"He's a great player. More importantly, he's a good person. He was fun to be around [at the All-Star Game]. The thing about Dustin that I like is every game he's playing all out. I mean, he's a player that you really enjoy to watch play. I mean, I really don't enjoy it because we see enough of him but you really appreciate the way he goes about playing the game everyday. He's a spark plug for the team. He deserved to win the MVP award and he's going to have a bright future. It might be all downhill for him now. He won a championship his first year, the MVP his second year, but I'm sure he's going to have a long and successful career."
Monday, December 15, 2008
There's No Place Like Home.
It's not that I'm against the concept of a Christmas letter. It's a good exercise for yourself to recall all the good things that have gone down for you during the past year. It helps you be grateful for what you've got. Christmas is about sharing and it's a perfectly logical way to share your life with people you don't see very often at all but still care about. And four years of varsity water polo aside, Barbie doesn't seem like a tough girl and rural China seems like a rough environment, so I am curious to hear how this escapade turned out. I guess it's nearly impossible to write about all the wonderful things going on in your life without seeming like you're bragging. And although we may be Catholic, we're New Englanders to the core and bragging doesn't fly.
Christmas cards are more our style. You buy a box of cards at 75% off at the beginning of the year and tuck it in with the tree ornaments for safe keeping. No extra sentiment besides the one provided by Hallmark, a named scrawled along the bottom, an address, a stamp, and you're good to go. It's sufficient.
Apparently, the Red Sox agree with this method of communication. No long missive extolling the benefits of being them, a simple card that says: Thought of you at Christmas time. Thanks for being there. Enjoy yourself.
Social Calendar.

Jed Lowrie: Fan of Children.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
And They're Off.
10:01:52am EST (almost 5:02am local time): Oki (running with bib 37) makes it to the start line.
11:21:43am EST (6:22am local): 6.2 miles down, 20 more to go. Oki's pace is slow, he's coming in at around thirteen minute miles. At this rate he's looking at a finish somewhere around five and three quarters of a hour. The course is slow, though-the elite male runners took over half an hour to get to this point.
12:48:35pm EST (7:49am local time): Half way there. He picked up a little bit of speed, turning in 12+ minute miles. His finish time is probably closer to five and a half hours now.
2:16:41pm EST (9:17am local time): Now it gets tough. 18.6 miles in and Oki's time has taken a hit. He's slowed to nearly fourteen minute miles, likely because he's either stopped for a breather or walked a piece of it-either way once you walk it's hard to get going again. It may well have become a battle of wills already: Oki's body telling him to shut it down v. his ability to push on. And he's got seven and a half more miles to gut his way through.
3:50:03pm EST (10:50am local time): 24.8 miles down. I've never been to Honolulu but if he can't see the finish line he can probably hear it.
4:10:26pm EST (11:10am local): Victory! With a chip time of 6:08:35, Hideki Okajima completed his first marathon. Wear your medal with pride-not many people drive 26.2 miles in a day, let alone run it. Congratulations.
And as race photos go, this one isn't too bad.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Turning Japanese.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
42 K!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Fun in the Sun.

"Those are the best players in the world there. That's as big an honor as any player could have. I'm not going to lose a day of sleep. I'm proud of what I do. I did what I never thought I would do in my life. If they pick me, fine; if not, fine. The game gave me a lot, more than I ever expected."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Oh, Theo.

I'll Take a 6 Year Contract for 40 Million Dollars, Alex.

Dustin Pedroia signed a six year extension worth $40.5 million today.
The boy still can't dress himself and the stupid pubic hair beard has returned but he's adorable. I want to wrap him up and take him home.
Says Theo of Pedroia: "If we had twenty-five guys like this, we'd be in good shape." Awwww.
Says Pedroia of the media: "I think you guys were all stupid for not believing in me." Responds Theo: "For the record, I agree with Dustin." Double awww.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Heads Up.

Monday, December 1, 2008
California Dreaming.