Monday, September 14, 2009

Signs That Times are Tough.

Even gazillionaires are affected by the crummy economy.

John Henry has taken to blogging for NESN (as Don and Heidi were very excited to inform everyone today--Jerry? Not so much) in order to earn a little extra scratch. I won't make fun of him because 1: Clearly, the man is overly intelligent, has an extensive vocabulary, and spells oof in a very French manner, 2: He uses quite a few exclamation marks and I find a love of exclamation marks endearing, and 3: He's a little scary--in a he-could-make-you-disappear-and-no-one-would-ever-question-it kind of way.

Meanwhile, Larry Lucchino was spotted moonlighting as a member of the custodial staff between games this afternoon. Running a baseball team isn't cheap, you know? And every little bit helps.

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