Thursday, July 31, 2008
Who is Jason Bay?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Say It Ain't So.

And Then There Were Two.

Serenity Now!

Hmmm. I wish that last night hadn't happened (although, if you could access my inner Pollyanna, she might claim that at least they didn't give up.) I wish that the offense didn't run so hot-and-cold. I wish that they could get on (and stay on) a roll. I wish that there could be some sort of consistency-that wasn't consistently sucking. I wish that I could believe the new trend of being beaten at home would be evened out by a new kick-ass attitude on the road. I wish that they didn't look so tired. I wish that it was August first. I wish that the end of July could be proved to be no more than just a hiccup.
But for now, you know where to find me and my ostrich friend. Hopefully, it won't be too long before we can dig the sand out of our ears.
Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I Hate Yankee Games.

Mike Lowell is Pissed.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Condolences to Pedro.

Monday, July 21, 2008
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind.

Next Up: the Seattle Mariners

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Home Cooking.

You Just Can't Keep a Good Pitcher Down.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Josh Beckett, Academian.
I watched the little video that accompanies the story before I read it and thought "Aww. That's kind of sweet, maybe I've misread him." (A little self-deprecating humor goes a long way with me.) The feeling grew as I got further and further into the story. "What's wrong with you?" I demanded. "He seems like a perfectly decent, nice guy." And then I came to this:
"We would be having a 70-foot-catch, and he'd signal that he was gonna throw a fastball, and he'd throw a curveball," Fregosi says. "I would tell him, "You can't do that; you're going to break my face. But he would just laugh. He thinks that's the funniest thing in the world."
and my faith in my ability to accurately read people was restored.
Josh, kitten, remind me to never have you tell me a joke.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Next Up: the LA Angels.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Welcome Sight.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sing It!

I've tried to resist but find that I can't help myself. I've got to post the picture if only to post the song. In defense of myself, I'm not exactly un-Lilliputian. So it should be all good. Also, I just noticed that in the caption Getty lists his name as Justin Pedroia not Dustin. I don't think that's right.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Boy Named Lowell.

Looking (Really) Good.
If you happened to be down at Chelsea Piers in NYC today you might have noticed a giant target set up in the middle of the river. It was part of Vitamin Water's Homers in the Hudson publicity stunt. If you could hit a ball off the tee and hit the target, you could walk away with a million dollars. And, of course, Vitamin Water spokesperson David Ortiz made an appearance.
I've got to say: Yowza!
Meanwhile, Back on the Farm...

1. Che-Hsuan Lin (a Taiwanese prospect currently playing in Greenville) was named the MVP of the All-Star Futures game at Yankee Stadium yesterday. He hit a two-run home run to put the World Team up 3-0.
2. Dave Pauley (who we last saw in April starting a game against LA) may be named to the US Olympic team. The final roster decisions come down Wednesday. If he made it, I might actually be induced to watch the Olympics.
3. Bobby Kielty has asked for and been granted his release from Pawtucket. It's too bad but I can't say I blame him. He's had a rough year and has got a young family across the country.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We Now Return You to Your Regularly Scheduled Programming.

Friday, July 11, 2008
Virulent, Like a Virus.
When the place was closed in the late-sixties, nobody bothered to clean it up and so in the '80s the place had a wonderfully creepy, mysterious atmosphere. Just to be clear, my mother had prohibited my sister and I from going there but we were neither particularly obedient nor good children and so we spent many hours climbing over crumbling foundations, scrambling over rusty wire fences to get to the weedy tennis courts, exploring the dining hall and offices (the most complete building, although it was missing a roof) or trying to jump over the remains of the bathroom (The building had rotted into nothing but in it's wake had left a pit a few feet deep and maybe five feet wide that was filled with crushed porcelain and plumbing pipes that hovered above the pit by two feet. The challenge was to get a running leap, jump over the pipes, and try to clear the pit completely-if you didn't, you had better land on your feet because porcelain is going to cut up your knees if you fall forward.)
The point? The idea of getting NYC kids out of the city for the summer by sending them to the country still exists. The Fresh Air Fund is responsible for a lot of the placements nowadays and recently dropped some kids off in Westport. One of the children was Ibrahim Ib-Hamida who was questioned about his baseball affiliation upon arrival: "Red Sox," Ibrahim replied without hesitation.
And so the infiltration begins.
Happy Birthday Javier!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Next Up: the Baltimore Orioles.

Here Comes the Groom...Skinny as a Broom.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
For Those Who, Obviously, Have Too Much Money to Begin With...
So when you think luxury napkins your first instinct is to wonder what the hell a luxury napkin is anyway, right? Are they made of silk with gold threaded through them? Taffeta? Tulle? (I can't think of any non-cotton fabrics that would be absorbent.) Secondly, you've got to wonder: How could I not know that such a product as a luxury napkin existed? Why have I been rubbing my face and my fingers down with rough cotton or *shudder* paper? Could I seriously have saved all of those shirtsleeves from ruination?
As it turns out, the napkins they will be producing are paper. The twist is that they can be folded into the shape of a baseball jersey that will look like the All-Star Jersey. Nifty, huh?

But baseball is about the common man and the common man can't possibly afford to attend either of those soirees, you protest. How can I get my grubby little hands on those napkins? Well, you can't. Not yet, anyway. MLB has decided, though, to sell the licensing rights to the napkin company so that they can produce napkins depicting the jerseys of eight major league teams including the jersey of your Boston Red Sox. So fear not, chickens.
Manny Needed That.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Next Up: the Minnesota Twins.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Breaking News!
The poll (conducted by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT) found that fifty-eight percent of the people in the state claimed to be baseball fans and of those fans forty-one percent claimed the Red Sox as their team while only forty percent went for the Yankees (the rest were mainly Mets fans.)
So, are these new fans due to the afterglow of a World Series championship? I don't think so. My guess is that the increase in fans is directly due to the tireless campaigning and the spreading of the good word by our fearless leader, Jerry Remy. Congratulations President Remy on a job well done!
That said: I'm off to Block Island for the weekend. No tv. No internet. If I survive, I'll be back late Sunday night.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Next Up: the New York Yankees.


Happy Birthday Sean!