Saturday, May 24, 2008

And Now for Something Completely Different.

So this article from a Zimbabwean (I don't know if that's the adjectival form or not, but it's from Zimbabwe) newspaper isn't about the Red Sox. It isn't even about baseball. It is about the former head coach of the Zimbabwe National Soccer team, Charles Mhlauri, who has been living in Boston for the past year.

I like baseball. I have little more than a passing interest in other sports, although I will watch running and bowling on television (odd, I know.) The last time I watched a soccer game was when my brother was on one of the rec-league U10 teams.

So why bother passing it along? Simply put: It's beautifully written. It lost me once it got into the politics of the team but I was right with it until then. And the line that really got to me?

"This is a city that believes in baseball and the Boston Red Sox.."


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