Sunday, January 25, 2015


My college violin teacher was fond of saying that I had a mind like a sieve. It's not true; the vast majority of the time I was just pretending that I didn't know what he was talking about because he was just a horrible person and I hated him. I think he also thought that I was terribly stupid too, he would frequently follow up the mind like a sieve comment by asking  if I knew what a sieve was. Yes, you hideous old man, I know what a sieve is...But that's a traumatic story for another day.

Point: With the whole gang down at Foxwoods, I got to wondering if my new love had ever played in Norwich. It turns out, he did in 2008. Wait a minute! That was the year I headed down there for the Mike Lowell bobblehead, I wonder if I saw him play? Turning to Google for the date of the game, I did see Pablo play! And then my sieve-like mind yelled out: Catcher! And I was right! He did play catcher.

So take that jackass. Steel trap.

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