Friday, May 11, 2012

So Chic.

Golf-Gate: a good, old-fashioned media freakout!

On the off day Thursday, Josh Beckett and Clay Buchholz went golfing. Yesterday the media decided that this was a big deal and engaged in a freakout of immense proportions.

Heavens above! *Clutches pearls* Golfing! On an off-day! What is the world coming to?

Valentine and co., rightly, suggested that it was no big deal. The media, all in a dither, didn't seem to enjoy the suggestion that they were having trouble with telling the difference between mountains and molehills.

Steve Buckley:
Are they still selling those bricks? I thought that that was a thing last year. Also, if they don't have a problem with it and they employ him, then why exactly should I have a problem with it? Because you told me to? #IndependentThinking

Lou Merloni:
Look at all those exclamation points. He must be serious. But wait there's more!

Lou Merloni seems to be an angry man. I suspect that he's not actually angry at Beckett but rather at his own inability to make any sense. You can do whatever you want on your off-day. Grand! We're in agreement. But when you miss a turn...the sentence needs another clause. But when you miss a turn, you must take tap dance lessons; you must eat spaghetti for supper; you must sit in your apartment all day and hang your head in shame. Also, this infamous golf game was on Thursday, he wasn't skipped until Saturday, so technically he hadn't missed his turn yet.

Dude was asleep! That was why he pitched so badly tonight. I don't know how I missed it. The 'someone' is probably meant to refer to Beckett but I don't know what's with the sudden coyness. Maybe, he's talking about himself or *gasp* Lou Merloni is totally talking about me because I certainly don't get it.

He really does have a clause problem. Doesn't he?

I'm not generally one to agree with Josh Beckett on anything. He's a jackass but he is right. It's his off-day. If the club has no objection to him playing golf, he can do as he damn-well pleases. Though the transformation of Josh Beckett from sacred cow to media whipping boy, is an interesting one. They must really have resented his non-apology during spring training.

I don't know why the dates on the tweets are wrong. They were all written on May 10.

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